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This counted stitch project was designed and stitched for the Anniversary Edition of Cross Stitch Antique Style Samplers published by David & Charles in 2014. The project includes counted cross stitch and other counted stitches and should not be your first counted project.
The Special Sampler box is an exploding box made from covered card with all four sides stitched and a decorated stitched lid. The box includes hand made pockets inside, plus a little tray for stitching bits and pieces and a biscornu pincushion. The version in the picture shows the biscornu pincushion attached to the lid but this is optional.
The boxed kit includes unbleached Cashel 28-count linen, pre-sorted stranded cottons (floss) hand dyed pure wool felt, glass seed beads, gold plated needles, charts and instructions.
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