Faux Mahogany Tools

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Product Code: T/M TOOL

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Each one of our little tools is cast from a Victorian teaspoon handle in resin and then dyed to look like ivory or mahogany. No elephants or trees are damaged in any way! The gold plated part of the tool is plated to 2microns of gold (British Standard 4293 PT2 1989) and should last for years! The gold plating prevents nickel allergies and fabric rust marks. The four tools are created in faux mahogany and faux ivory at CSG HQ and are very collectable! All the tools are an invaluable aid to creating perfect stitches.

We are sorry that Handy Hooker is no longer available

Stitch Catcher
One stitch left to work and the thread is too short – Don’t panic - Leave the short end on the right side of the fabric and push the eye of the Stitch Catcher through the fabric and thread the eye. You can pass the eye across the fabric to complete the stitch or take it through to the back to start another one. Invaluable if tidying after unpicking.

Laying Tool
Ideal for canvas work and silk ribbon embroidery. Invaluable when stitching with silk ribbon or textured counted canvas work stitches. Before completing the stitch, pass the gold point under the thread or ribbon to ensure that it enters the fabric smoothly. The point of the laying tool can also be used to create little holes for ribbon ties etc.

Stitch Reverser
The perfect quick unpick! Slide under the stitches and the hidden blade will snip safely – You will never cut your fabric in error again.


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