Blackwork Owl

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Product Code: 281



I have often been asked to explain the difference between blackwork and backstitch and the answer is to look at the back of the stitching.If the stitches have been worked correctly, you will not know the back from the front. In truth, you may find it necessary to combine backstitch and Holbein to prevent ending up at the end of a row with nowhere to go! Double running stitch became known as Holbein stitch because the Dutch painter of the same name was famous for his paintings depicting blackwork on costumes. Traditionally the outline of the pattern is worked first, often in a heavier thread weight and then the filling patterns are worked from the middle of any section

Blackwork Owl

This Owl design is one of a series using a traditional blackwork colourway. Worked on Cashel 28-count linen in stranded cotton and gold metallic threads.

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